HANOVER, NH – At 9pm on Friday 2/17, the SWCD closed voting for strike authorization with 99% of voters in favor of striking. We asked for a response from the College by 11:59 pm on Saturday 2/17 to accept our demands.
At 5pm today, 2/18/23, Dartmouth College called an emergency meeting in response to our email. On the call, the school verbally accepted our package proposal from January 23, which includes:
A $21/hour base wage
Annual wage increase based on cost of attendance
Area managers included in the unit
A 2-year contract duration
Mental health and sick pay
We now have a tentative agreement on the full package proposal with the College. SWCD will now hold a unit vote to ratify the contract within the next few days and must meet a majority to do so. The SWCD Organizing Committee will positively recommend this proposal to the unit. The package will likely come into effect by the spring term, if not before.
We thank Dartmouth College for their flexibility and willingness to listen to its student workers.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters and allies:
Kenyon Student Worker Organizing Committee, Union of Grinnell Student Dining Workers, Columbia University Resident Advisors, among our other fellow undergraduate and graduate student unions
Graduate Organized Laborers of Dartmouth (GOLD)
FUERZA Farmworkers Fund
Dartmouth faculty in solidarity
New Hampshire Faith & Labor
Service Employees International Union - Local 560
Dartmouth Student Government
Dartmouth Outing Club
New Hampshire Youth Movement
Dartmouth Energy Justice Clinic
Palestine Solidarity Coalition of Dartmouth Students
Palaeopitus Senior Society
Spare Rib
Sunrise Dartmouth
Upper Valley Democratic Socialists of America
Upper Valley for Abortion Rights
Any other groups who have expressed their support for SWCD
Finally, we are forever grateful for our wonderful and patient lawyer, Tim Belcher, who has remained with us since our very inception.
Without compromise,
Student Workers Collective at Dartmouth